Edited by Vincenzo Pira and Marco Pasquini
In this Notebook, we propose a summary of the 2020 Report of the Alliance for Sustainable Development on the situation of Italian territories concerning the 17 proposed goals in the 2030 Agenda (SDGs). That report can be read in full here.
The involvement of the various territories (regions, provinces, cities, and inland areas) in the needed transformation to put the country on a path of sustainable development to be analyzed. The updated analysis of national data on the impact of the crisis from Covid-19 on the different SDGs shows impressive results: out of the 12 objectives for which there is sufficient evidence of evaluation, there is an improvement in only three cases and a deterioration in the other nine. On the other hand, the analysis of the 22quantitative Targets in 2030 concludes that Italy is not on a sustainable development path: it has a promising trend in three cases, positive in four, negative in ten, and in four. It is important to underline the growing use of the 2030 Agenda as a key to planning territorial policies by the Regions and Cities to draw up regional Strategies and metropolitan Agendas for sustainable development, in many cases appropriately linked to their strategic plans.