A cura di Vincenzo Pira
In this Notebook, we report what was relevant in the 2nd National Development Cooperation Conference held in Rome on 23 and 24 June 2022.
Called every three years by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) to encourage the participation of citizens in defining development cooperation policies, it was co-organized by the Directorate General for Development Cooperation (DGCS) together with the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and the various actors operating in this sector: Third Sector and diasporas, international agencies, universities, businesses, local authorities. The Conference was opened by the inaugural address of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, followed by the opening greeting of the Vatican Secretary of State, Pietro Parolin, and the intervention of the Foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio.
The Conference was divided into five panels focused on the “5 P” of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, with a particular focus, in the light of the present international situation, on the theme of peace, to which the first space was dedicated. It was attended by the Ministers responsible for the subject, other speakers of the Italian development cooperation system, top figures of some international organizations, and representatives of Italian and international civil society. The Conference was closed by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Marina Sereni, stating, «There is a need in the world for more cooperation and a request for greater leadership of the Italian system. The priorities are increasing resources for cooperation, gradually reaching the goal of 0.7% of Gdp over the next few years, a strong focus on Africa and the Mediterranean, strengthening governance, and common European action to be more effective. Also thanks to initiatives such as Team Europe, and, finally, to make citizens more aware of how cooperation contributes to peace and our security, through a strong communication action ».

A Conference that has had solid institutional recognition at the highest levels and active participation of the various actors operating in the field of cooperation for sustainable human development and which has taken on political and renewal commitments that must characterize the action in the coming years. With coherence, effectiveness, and real impact for a change that allows us to overcome the worrying crises that humanity is facing in this challenging moment.