Armadilla collaborates with the United Nations Development Program in Lebanon – UNDP Lebanon, which is currently, together with the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the international entity responsible for planning and implementing an integrated humanitarian and development stabilization strategy in a country dramatically affected by the effects of the Syrian crisis. The Lebanon Crisis Response […]
OCHA is the United Nations Coordination Office for Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA). In 2012 an emergency fund was created for the humanitarian response within Syria and in the neighboring countries that welcomed Syrian refugees and suffered from the effects of the crisis. The Emergency Response Fund aims to provide humanitarian assistance, answering to the needs of […]
Otto per mille Waldensian Church
Eight for a Thousand of the Waldensian Church is only destined to projects of a welfare nature, social and cultural. A close share to 50% of the total amount of funds received from the system of the Eight for a Thousand loan is also donated to support projects in developing countries to be carried out […]
Italian Cooperation Agency
The Directorate General for Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Cooperation of Italy is strongly engaged in the implementation of emergency programs in Lebanon and Syria in favor of displaced populations and affected local communities from the consequences of the Syrian conflict. Armadilla, in partnership with the non-governmental organization Cooperation […]
European Union
The European Union is one of the most important institutional partners of Armadilla in the actions of promotion to development in the countries where it operates. In Lebanon and Syria, the stable presence of Armadilla allowed to establish a close and profitable collaboration with the European Union Delegations on the spot. From 2008 to 2013 […]