The European Union is one of the most important institutional partners of Armadilla in the actions of promotion to development in the countries where it operates.
In Lebanon and Syria, the stable presence of Armadilla allowed to establish a close and profitable collaboration with the European Union Delegations on the spot. From 2008 to 2013 Armadilla has managed in Syria, projects financed by the European Union aimed at improving living conditions of the residing communities on the outskirts of Damascus.
Thanks to these projects, it was possible to ensure basic social and health services for the most vulnerable groups in the population and promote professional and income training.
The projects have allowed to strengthen the capacity of the local partner, the Association Zahret Al Madan, to respond more effectively to the needs expressed by the community, thus promoting the improvement of individual skills and the socio-economic reinforcement of the territory.
Children with disabilities and women in particular conditions of vulnerability represent beneficiary groups of development initiatives, which have made it possible to strengthen rehabilitation services, cognitive and motor skills, and promote women’s professional training thus strengthening theirs role in society.
In Lebanon, thanks to European funds, Armadilla carries out various projects to promote local development, in partnership with local Municipalities and non-governmental associations.
The projects are directed to the empowerment of local communities and to the strengthening the social population, and include a component to strengthen the role of the local actors in the development processes through the improvement of their skills.
The promotion of social cohesion, the strengthening of civic engagement, awareness of the environmental protection issues are the main components of the initiatives implemented by Armadilla in Lebanon, with a view to creating peaceful and sustainable relations within the country, as a condition for greater economic dynamism.
The development of relations of exchange and collaboration between the countries of the North and South shore of the Mediterranean is favored in all the projects carried out by Armadilla. In particular, Armadilla has participated in the Euro-Med Youth Program to promote intercultural dialogue among Lebanese and Italian young people in the context of an area of peace and stability.
Armadilla is also a partner of the European Union in Central America where it has carried out interventions in Nicaragua and Costa Rica for strengthening local skills in promoting the sector of culture and protection of the rights of indigenous and Afro-descendant children.
In Europe, Armadilla has carried out a wide-range project to raise awareness among the public opinion subjects of the international development cooperation with the aim of increasing the awareness of actions against poverty and creating fairer relations between countries in the North and South of the world.