The center is located on the premises of the State School “Bellingeri” Via A. Verga 2, Rome. It is a socio-educational center, aimed at promoting the inclusion of children and their families in the new socio-cultural, offering academic support, pediatric and psychological fields. Afterschool activities are carried out in the recreational and support to education, on behalf of 30 immigrant children aged between 6 and 14 years.
To ensure the smooth operation of the service, we make use of the permanent presence of three workers involved in the planning and implementation of activities, an educational psychologist, art consultant, a psychologist, a pediatric service and a teacher of Italian language.
The service is aimed not only at children, to their families and teachers of elementary and junior high schools in the area, which organizes training and intercultural education. The objective is to create a network of exchange and comparison of the various figures surrounding the child-parents, teachers, professionals-, thus favoring the inclusion of the child and his family in the new socio-cultural.
In this sense the teaching of Italian language and understanding are a valuable tool. The operators of the center support parents of foreign children to guide and educate their children in a surely unfamiliar, and to deal with their school work. Children have the opportunity to learn more about the new context in which they live, such as that of the neighborhood and the city, so that their inclusion would be a positive experience, commensurate with their age, their needs and their growth. The knowledge of the realities of the country does not, however, to the detriment of the evaluation of the language, culture and traditions of the countries of origin of minors, in an optical cross-cultural educational and not just multicultural.
The center offers its users the Italian language labs, computer and video direction, makes outdoor activities and sports, offering psychological support to children and their families, organizes meetings with parents. In summer the Afterschool turns in Green Point, in which priority must be given all the outdoor activities to be implemented – team games, treasure hunts, visits to museums, trips to parks – without neglecting the art activities, games table, the tasks for the holidays.