Armadilla’s Annual Report for 2019 was completed at a time when the world was faced with a global emergency that our generation had never known. The Covid 19 pandemic has imposed such prevention measures that, although it was not possible to guarantee the relationships of physical proximity, it was instead of close collaboration between the Armadilla members with their partners and stakeholders. So the testimony of the work done in 2019 may appear to be of a remote era because in a few months everything has changed and nothing will be the same as before.
However, we are comforted to note that our presence in difficult contexts such as that of Syria, Lebanon, Libya have reaffirmed the desire for solidarity, cooperation, and humanity in contexts where too many seem to forget it. We have privileged the most vulnerable social groups in our projects: women, children, people with disabilities, the victims of conflicts. We have always promoted the active and co-responsible involvement of our partners and beneficiaries in every moment of project implementation. We have tried to give everyone an account of how we carry out our mission while respecting the fundamental principles of our cooperation: our social base and the workers, including the training courses that are necessary to guarantee efficiency and transparency in our work.
This report was drawn up, in fact, involving all the members and workers of Armadilla and taking into account the relational importance with our partners and with the direct beneficiaries of our projects. Over the years, the managers of the various sectors have contributed to documenting and accounting for every action carried out. Editorial coordination was handled by the members of the Board of Directors and by the head of the Communication sector.
With this document, we would like to respond adequately not only to formal fulfillment but above all to the need to equip ourselves with a shared social accounting system. Our will is to use this tool in its functions, both managerial and communicative.
With respect to the communication function, the 2019 budget attempts to clarify the path that goes from planning the objectives to the evaluation of results through the implementation of project activities.
As regards the management aspect, improve monitoring and evaluations to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the actions.